A Dirty War As Opposed To What? A Clean War?

According to Julius Cavendish a writer for Time.com, Afghanistan now has a dirty war. This because the U.S. employs an Afghani militiaman to do what any self-respecting armed forces personal (in a war-torn country) is supposed to do; kill people.

 Through leaked info and word of mouth (and not trusted word of mouth) this mercenary who goes by the name Azizullah stands accused of indulging in all manner of revolting violations of human dignity, up to and including killing fellow innocent Afghan civilians.

Is he guilty? Who’s to say; and the reality is that’s beside the point; combat doesn’t allow for “hi how are ya’s”; the enemy’s disguised as somebody that would actually have you over for tea so that they could detain you long enough for an ambush to be set up.

This man knows and understands the drum beat of his homeland and can ferret out the propaganda that would be taken as the gospel by a foreign soldier and acts accordingly and in the only manner that a conflict weary people understand.

We in the safety of our homes are incapable of seeing the dimensions of a location where the nation’s flag’s been soaked in the blood of its children; so we scorn the circumstances, we detest the combatants, all the time forgetting the real reason for this war in the first place.

Do two towers in New York ring a bell? Thousands of innocents killed because a country thousands of kilometers away was and is too regressive to have the wisdom to see the evil being plotted in its own backyard, too full of lawlessness to separate the terrorists in their midst from honest citizens.

The battle’s been fought on Afghanistan’s turf for the past 10 years but if the U.S. pulled out tomorrow I can guarantee the war would not be over, the only thing that would change is the matrix.

The conventions of war were born way back before drones and their smart bombs; the conduct of the Azizullah’s of the world though ruled against by war’s modern treaties are an integral part of and welcomed by any military commander willing to look the other way while an enemy’s defeated.

Disgusting? Of course; so look away folks, because no amount of soap and water can clean a war; that’s the way it was, is, and will always be.