When Exactly Did Humans Start Having Morals?

If you could time travel and arrive back in our distant beginnings; find Gronk and his tribe; then proceed to determine if he in fact had some sort of moral code, the odds of him thoughtfully responding to your investigations are….pretty much non-existent. What’s more likely is: him grunting while he’s indulging himself sexually right in front of you and his tribe.

Of course if you’ve aligned yourself with those that adhere to strict moral principles you’d probably stand there horror-stricken thinking all the standard distressed thoughts like: what a degenerate beast; and; I feel sick but I can’t stop watching.

So….more witnessing of groaning and debauched behavior would ensue – which would make it difficult to ascertain when and how our existing principles had their beginnings.

Nevertheless here in this time zone it isn’t unheard of that your conscience – with all those ethics ringing in your ear – can indubitably put a choke-hold on your sexual affairs, especially if you’ve had an upbringing that was….well let’s just say puritan.

Knowing what I know about Neanderthals – which is next to nothing – it makes sense Gronk would grab and hold a female (whether she was willing or not and even if she’d be considered a minor by today’s standards) so he could plunder her sexual being.

Today if an adult try’s the same monkeyshines they’d better have their affairs in order because they’ll be off to the crowbar hotel if they’re caught; and or beaten to within an inch of their useless lives by a crowd of not so well wishers.

So sex – even though the how and why of it hasn’t changed in a million years – ain’t what it used to be. Now our sexual modus-operandi is accomplished either far from prying eyes or behind closed doors – partly because folks don’t want to look like two hooked fish and hopefully privacy will help guarantee nobody (except the participants) will be able to draw that conclusion.

How all this squares with mankind’s drive into the future is anybody’s guess. But upon reflection I’d wager our progeny – with all the hooey surrounding the advent of computers – is poised to make the puritanical attitudes of some of our fellow humanoids part of a bygone era.

Imagine all the sexual taboos we now believe to be offensive coming back to be as public as when Gronk was making his moves on the vulnerable ladies of his day.

Sex – if there’s no inhibition or prohibition – is like a carnival ride, only there’s no admission price; unless of course the circumstances are less than…umm…on the up and up.

Why is depravity so much fun?

If you don’t want the truth, don’t ask a puritan.