Warrior Women

   What is it about some women and their placement in the hierarchy of our little jewel in the cosmos? Do they only have themselves to blame for being treated no better than slaves? Or is there something underlying their troubles that goes beyond what we all know and see? Two articles I read online; “Fight of the Valkyries” by Maureen Dowd written for NYTimes.com and “Bill Maher, George Lopez and the War On Women–Why Are Attacks on Conservative Women Given Just a Shrug” written by Penny Young Nance for FoxNews.com were inspired reading for this post.    
   Women are highly complex; they are the incubators for human life on earth, and then they are the mothers of the incubated, and as if that wasn’t enough they then act as the Valkyries, who according to Norse mythology rode their horses over the field of battle to escort the souls of the slain heroes to Valhalla. Women are magnificent creatures; men could only hope to have their depth and breadth of abilities; to me every woman has a warrior spirit, and could very well be descended from the Amazon’s.
   The gross misconduct inflicted by men on womankind is sickening, but hopefully, just as our earth has seen its changes, so the suffering of our earth’s women-folk will see a transformation. One of the impediments to this shift is that some women don’t realize or care that freedom is there for them, cleaving to their husbands is all they have ever known, they cannot and their ancestors before them could not relate to 21st century women, who while straining at the imaginary halter men have put on them, can’t wait and want the revolution now, and damn the torpedoes!
   In some men’s eyes, women continue to shoot themselves in the proverbial foot. Prostitution, porn to make a buck, feigning distress, anything and everything to gain leverage over men; but does the end justify the means? I don’t think you can have it both ways when it comes to wanting equality of the sexes. Most men see women using their wiles to get higher positions as direct affronts, their gain is actually their loss; they see women using their sexuality to gain favours as an end-game, most know what’s going on and probably see the ruse for what it is; a sham.
  But the ladies from this camp don’t fit the crusade, the heart of the movement knows the fight is only now being taken to the enemy, and they know their adversary in not necessarily men, but an invisible tide, a sickness born out of earths destiny. The mothers among them; the vanguard, know their fate, and they do not shrink from the battle, they know they won’t drink from the silver cup, but they will lay down their souls to be taken up by their own: The Valkyries!